Prospectus & Enrolment
Enrolment Procedures
Please contact the Principal Pattie Ree in the first instance regarding enquiries about the school and enrolment. ( )
Applications for Preference enrolment require a Preference form to be signed off by our Parish Priest, prior to enrolling at school. These forms and contact details are available from the school office.
Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:
Given to preference applicants
Given to siblings of preference students
Given to non-preference applicants
Enrolment Forms
We are committed to providing the best possible Catholic education for your child and look forward to entering into a partnership in learning from now until they take the next step on to high school.
As a Catholic school, Our Lady of the Snows has a preference enrolment scheme.
Please download our Enrolment Policy below.
For further information about eligibility, please contact the Principal.
The following forms are included in our Full Enrolment package, which is available from the school office and need to be completed and returned to school before enrolment can take place:
Our Lady of the Snows School Enrolment Form - Download button below
Catholic Diocese Preference Form - Download button below
Application for Non-Preference Enrolment Form - Download button below
We will also need to copy your child’s birth certificate OR Passport and also their Plunket book OR immunisation certificate. The Ministry of Education now requires details of all pre-school attendance. A separate form is provided for this.
To obtain acceptance of a Preference Form, you will need to contact our parish priest at the Parish Office in Ashburton. Please call ph: 308 6793 to arrange an appointment.
There are several other forms to complete once you have enrolled your child. These are in the Full Enrolment Package at the school office.
If you have any queries regarding information in this package please do not hesitate to call us on +64 3 302 8250 or email the principal directly.
Pattie Ree
Preparing Your Child For School
Be positive about school. School is a fun, caring and sharing place. All children are different and learn at different rates. Respect your child’s individuality. All teachers will accept your child at whatever stage of development s/he has reached and work from here.
Please ensure all clothing and personal belongings are well named.
Pre School Visits
Please contact the Junior Room teacher to arrange specific times and days with you. Your preschooler will then receive a letter in the mail addressed to them. This will detail school visit dates.